Software Developer.
Cyber Security Enthusiast.

2+ years of experience in development.

Worked with service and product based companies.

Full Stack Polyglot Developer.

Connect with me. Let's work together.
Godspeed rebels!

That's me and this is my website, now in style.

If you are no Jedi, checkout simplified or old version of this page.

Work with The Force. Build with The Force.

I started my professional career with a fast growing startup in India. Since then I have built things for people, for businesses, and even for fun! My current workplace taught me the pro-user ideaology which I try to follow with all my works.

I believe in FOSS and try to contribute to Open Source Community whenever I can.

Check out work for more.

Show me code or it didn't happen.

That's why I do demos. It helps me in learning by doing. A catchy POC or random pet project, I keep demos ready.

Check out demo section for more.

Log with the Blog.

I write blogs for new things I learn or create. Cyber Security, Web Development, CTFs and Reddit hive mind. I got it all covered.

Visit my blogs for details.

Jedi Council About Me

Nikhil is one of the extraordinary colleagues that I have ever worked with.
- Sylvester Das, Senior Software Engineer
(Mentored Nikhil in his early days)